VCOM Linux Driver
Advantech Inc.
The Advantech VCOM Linux Driver is composed of the following components
No. | Component Name | File Name(s) | Source code Location |
1. | Linux Driver | advvcom(DKMS) or advvcom.ko(without DKMS) | driver/ |
2. | VCOM service daemon | vcomd | daemon/ |
3. | Init daemon | advttyd | init/ |
4. | Managment tools | advrm, advadd, advls, advman, advps, adv-eki-tls-create | scripts/ and advps/ |
5. | TLS related CA & key files | rootCA.key, rootCA.pem, vcom.pem | keys/Makefile |
6. | VCOM mapping config file | advttyd.conf | config/ |
7. | TLS config file | ssl.json | config/ |
After installation, all of the files are copied to "/usr/local/advtty".
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This is the driver that provides the "/dev/ttyADV*" tty interfaces.
Its source code is located in the "driver/" directory
This "service daemon" connects each /dev/ttyADV* with a corresponding Device Server serial port. Eash tty is supported by a "vcomd" daemon. The source code is located in the "daemon/"
This "init daemon" reads from the "VCOM mapping config file" and invokes VCOM service daemons accordingly.
the source code is located in the "init/" directory
This is a set of tools desinged to simplify the managment process of the "**VCOM mapping config file**", "**Linux Driver**", "**VCOM service daemon**", and "**Init daemon**".
These are bash scripts used to add, remove and list VCOM connection mappings of the VCOM mapping config file.
A bash script designed to insert/remove the Linux driver, invoke/kill the VCOM service daemons.
A tool designed to show the status of all the active VCOM service daemons.
This bash script is designed to create files that are essential for TLS connection.
they can be used by both the EKI device server and the VCOM service daemon.
It can create "Public/Prive key pair", and "Diffie-Hellman file".
Three files are essential for creating a TLS connectoin:
A few files are created during installation, refer to the "keys/Makefile" for details on how they are created.
If the VCOM driver connects to a device server, which is already operating with key files signed by another RootCA private key, one must replace these files with files created by adv-eki-tls-create, referencing the same "RootCA private key".
This file is read by the "init daemon"; the "init daemon" will create "VCOM service daemons" according to this configure file.
This file is read by the "VCOM service daemon"; it defines the location of the "RootCA public key", and "keypair file", it also defines the "password" if it ever encounters a encripted "keypair file".